Does Your Conveyor Pulley Need Refurbishing?
Conveyor pulleys are a heavy-duty, consistently running piece of machinery that are essential components of a conveyor system. Although they are designed to last, after many years of constant use, conveyor pulleys will become subject to expected wear and. However, if they are not maintained, they can be damaged and require replacement.
We recommend that regular maintenance of conveyor equipment is essential to reducing wear rate and prolonging service life. This includes refurbishing or reconditioning pulleys, which will extend the life of your pulley and save you the costs of a complete pulley replacement.
Here are some signs to look out for in case your pulley needs refurbishing.

Visibly Worn Lagging
Lagging that has been worn down is a definite sign that a refurbish is in order.
Lagging is a pulley’s first point of protection from wear. If the lagging wears (which can be expected over time), the pulley will become susceptible to abrasive damage.
If the lagging has worn down to the point where the pulley shell is exposed, it is absolutely critical that the pulley be refurbished with new lagging, as damage to the pulley shell may have already occurred.
Lagging That Has Come Loose
Lagging that has come loose from the pulley and is flapping about is a sign that the bonding adhesive has deteriorated. As previously mentioned, ensuring that lagging is in good condition is vital to your pulley’s service life. Lagging that has come off will need to be reapplied to prevent further damage to the pulley and to the belt.

Seized Bearing
Seized bearings (due to a variety of factors) will cause the rotation of the pulley to malfunction. This can lead to a multitude of issues for your entire conveyor operation. Seized bearings can be caused by lack of grease, old age and fatigue, product build-up and more.
Strange Noises
Strange noises coming from your pulley might be another sign that it requires refurbishing (or replacing). A safe and proper investigation of the source of the noise will determine what solution is required. Lagging that has come loose, or bearings that have cracked or seized will probably make noise, alerting you of a pulley in need of attention.

Extreme Rusting or Corrosion of Elements
Over time, your pulley housings and bearings will naturally rust or corrode. While slight rusting or fading is not necessarily a huge concern, extremely degraded pulley elements may allude to the need for replacement. Heavily worn bearings and housings can lead to seizures and breakdowns.
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