HDPE Conveyor Guards - Frequently Asked Questions

DYNA Engineering’s new HDPE conveyor guards are revolutionising occupational health and safety practices around high-risk machinery. Made out of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), we offer a superior alternative to traditional steel guards, ensuring complete protection for your personnel along with a wide range of added benefits.
Here are the answers to some commonly asked questions about our guards below.Where are they made?
All DYNA Engineering HDPE conveyor guards are made locally in our Perth, Western Australia workshop. Our commitment to local manufacture maintains local jobs as well as reduces lead times.
How are your conveyor guards different to any other on the market?
Our HDPE conveyor guards feature a patented X-shaped design on each panel. The X shape provides the HDPE guard with extra shock and impact absorbent qualities, creating a strong and robust product in comparison to traditional steel or standard plastic mesh guards.
Do they comply with Australian Standards?
Yes, all our guards are made to Australian Standards:
Series AS 4024 : 1 : 2014
AS 4024 : 3610 : 2015
AS 4024 : 3611 : 2015
Can they be used for any other application?
Yes, our HDPE conveyor guards can be applied to almost any application that requires safety guarding.
For a more detailed discussion on your particular application, contact us today at 08 9473 4300 or at dyna@dynaeng.com.au
Can they fit onto existing conveyors or machinery?
Yes. Our HDPE conveyor guards can be retrofitted to any existing conveyors or machinery.

Can the design be customised to our needs?
Yes. We can customise our designs to work around your application needs and specifications.
How do I customise them once they have been installed?
Since our guards are made out of HDPE and not steel, a simple jig saw is all that is required to create any adjustments to the guard.
Steel guard adjustments are much more complicated, requiring hot works and permits and increased labour time.
What is the standard size?
Since our conveyor guards are all made to client specifications, there is no standard size.
Are they available in any other colours?
While the standard for safety guarding is Australian Standard AS2700 Y14 Golden Yellow, our HDPE conveyor guards can be manufactured in a range of different colours according to your requirements.
Is the material food-safe?
Yes. High density polyethylene (HDPE) is a food-safe grade of plastic, and therefore can be used within food production industries such as in grain and sugar production.
HDPE is the most commonly used grade of plastic to store food and beverages, as it is corrosion-resistant and does not leach any chemicals into food or drinks.

How do they compare to steel in terms of cost?
While the initial costs are relatively similar, the long-term costs associated with maintaining safety guards are much less for HDPE over steel.
The non-corrosive properties of HDPE mean that less maintenance is required as the guards do not rust; coloured HDPE guards do not require repainting as steel does.
For more information, visit our products page here.
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